心筋カテコールアミンに関する研究 : 蛍光組織化学的研究
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There has been many studies on myocardial catecholamine (CA) in congestive heart failure and ishemias heart disease. However, it has been mainly studied pharmacologically and biochemically and has not been elucidated completly the local change of CA of the myocardium. CA in sympathetic nerves was first stained fluorescence histochemically by Falck-Hillarp in 1962, and many observations were made on its distribution and morphologically concentration of CA in tissue was also observed. Furthermore, the fluorescence histochemical simplified method (cryostat method) by Laties and Jacobowitz was published in 1967. This cryostat method produced the same good preparation instead of the freezed dried method of Falck-Hillarp and could be used semi-quantitatively for the determination of CA concentration in tissue. The author examined fluorescent-histochemically the distribution of CA in sympathetic nerve endings of the myocardium of animals (mouses, rabbits and dogs). After the administration of several agents and in some pathologic conditions, those were in the hypertrophied heart and impending heart failure, in myocardial infarction and A-V block. Furethermore, the change of CA in the myocardium was examined biochemically by von Euler method and its results were compared with the results of fluorescence-histo chemical method. Methods (1) All agents were administrated in mouse intraperitonially and the myocardium were obtained after the descreibed times. a) reserpine: 5mg/kg, 10mg/kg, 20mg/kg respectively, 4, 24, 48 and 74 hours after the administration. b) nialamide : 100mg/kg. 3 hours after the administration. c) noradrenaline and l-isoproterenol hydrochloride : 0.1mg/kg, respectively. 30 minutes after the administration. d) nitroglycerin : 0.3mg/kg. 30 minutes after the administration. e) prenylamine : 20, 50, 100 and 200mg/kg. 1, 4, 8, 24, 40 hours after the administration.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1975-04-20
- 78)電子スピン共鳴法(ESR)による心筋代謝の研究(第15報) : 心筋ミトコンドリアの遊離基生成能と反応液における溶存酸素濃度との関係 : 第38回東海第20回北陸合同地方会
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- 心筋カテコールアミンに関する研究 : 蛍光組織化学的研究