腎ガス代謝に対する誘発性低酸素血の影響に関する臨床病態生理学的研究 (前編) : 健常者,肺結核,高血圧症,腎動脈硬化症の安静時腎ガス代謝について
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Our department has been engaged in studies concerning the effect of induce hypoxemia on visceral circulation and metabolism. the author has attempted to clarify the attitude of renal gas metabolism in normal individuals and in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension and nephrosclerosis, as a part of this series of studies. Methods and Materials The renal venous catheterization and renal clearance methods were employed simultaneously while 10% O_2 inhalation was carried out. Before and after the low oxygen gas inhalation, determinations of oxygen metabolism and other values were obtained. The results were analysed and compared between the various groups. Group I・・・Normal individuals: 5 cases Group II・・・Plumonary tuberculosis: 5 cases (who were scheduled for surgery) Group IIa・・・2 patients with percent vital capacity above 80% Group IIb・・・3 patients with percent vital capacity within 70-80% Group III・・・Hypertension: 5 cases Blood pressure 168-184/95-136 mm Hg, Albuminuria (-) P.S.P. test normal or slightly subnormal, Keith-Wagener IIa-IIb degree Group IV・・・Nephrosclerosis: 3 cases Blood pressure 170-194/96-106 mm Hg. P.S.P. test moderately disturbed, Keith-Wagener IIb-III degree In this abstract the values obtained in 5 groups studied will be written in the order indicated above. The values are the average of each group. Results A. Renal oxygen metabolism during a resting state. 1) Renal oxygen availability: 216.5 cc/min., 209.0 cc/min., 203.9 cc/min., 158.0 cc/min. and 133.9 cc/min. 2) Renal arterial-venous oxygen content difference: 1.8 vol.%, 2.2 vol.%, 2.3 vol.%, 2.3 vol.% and 1.9 vol.%. 3) Renal oxygen extraction ratio: 11.1%, 12.4%, 12.1%, 14.0% and 10.3%. 4) Renal oxygen consumption: 23.8 cc/min., 25.6 cc/min., 24.2 cc/min,. 22.1 cc/min. and 12.9 cc/min. B. Renal oxygen metabolism during induced hypoxemia. Oxygen saturation of arterial blood during 10% oxygen inhalation: 61.2%, 63.6%, 64.1%, 66.1% and 58.3%. Thus, the O_2 saturation range approximately between 66-58%. Here, the oxygen metabolic values of each group were as follows. 1) Renal oxygen availability: 177.8 cc/min., 214.0 cc/min., 113.9 cc/min., 130.3 cc/min. and 42.3 cc/min. The percentage increase or decrease: -18.7%, +3.5%, -44.0%, -18.5% and -69.5% respectively. 2) Renal arterial-venous oxygen content difference: 1.6 vol.%, 1.2 vol.%, 2.6 vol.%, 1.7 vol.% and 1.5 vol.%. the percentage increase or decrease: -16.9%, -42.1%, +13.1%, -25.3% and -21.3% respectively. 3)Renal oxygen extraction ratio: 14.9%, 10.0%, 19.9%, 15.4% and 13.5%. the percentage increase or decrease: +31.1%, -15.8%, +65.3%, +19.8% and +30.2% respectively. 4) Renal oxygen consumption: 23.9% cc/min., 21.5 cc/min., 22.2 cc/min., 19.0 cc/min, and 5.1 cc/min. the percentage increase or decrease: +1.2%, -15.2%, -8.0%, -11.7% and -61.1% respectively.s
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1964-04-20
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- 腎ガス代謝に対する誘発性低酸素血の影響に関する臨床病態生理学的研究 (後編) : 健常者, 肺結核, 高血圧症, 腎動脈硬化症の低酸素負荷時腎ガス代謝について
- 腎ガス代謝に対する誘発性低酸素血の影響に関する臨床病態生理学的研究 (前編) : 健常者,肺結核,高血圧症,腎動脈硬化症の安静時腎ガス代謝について
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