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One shot treatment of animals with a small dosis of adrenaline has been discovered to produce an edematous arterial reaction in the aorta of animals by SHIMAMOTO and SUNAGA (1961) and this phenomenon has been repeatedly confirmed by many investigators. In the present study the morphological changes taking place in the rabbit cardiac muscle during the edematous arterial reaction have been subjected to the electron microscopic observation. Materials and Methods 0.1 μg/kg of adrenaline was injected into the marginal vein of the ear of 11 male albino rabbits (body weight 2.1±O.18 kg) and specimens were taken immediately after, 0.5, 1 and 2 hours after the administration of adrenaline. As a control, untreated 16 male albino rabbits (body weight 2.2±0.27kg) were sacrificed. Anesthesia was not used. Immediately after a stunning blow given on the head of the animal, the chest of the animal was quickly opened and the apex region of the heart was removed from about 5 mm above the apex. This block was washed immediately in the two succesive changes of cold 2% osmium tetroxide buffered with veronal acetate at pH 7.4. Small cubes measuring 1 mm or less on a side were cut, fixed in the above mentioned fixative for 1 hour, dehydrated in graded concentration of ethanol and embedded in Epon 812 following the procedure of Luft. Sections were cut on a LKB ultratome, stained with saturated aqueous solution of uranyl acetate and electron micrographs were made with a HITACHI HU-11A microscope. Observations 1) Control rabbit myocardium The surface of the myocardial cell (sarcolemma) is composed of an inner dense plasma membrane, 65-120Å thick, separated by a clear 100-200Å space from an outer less dense basement membrane, 150-300Å thick. The myofibrils are observed to contain closely, parallel packed two kinds of myofilaments; thick filaments and thin filaments. The myofibrils manifest the sequential cross striations. The Z band shows a marked density. In the center of a sarcomere M band exists and the remainder of a sarcomere is A band. A sarcomere length is 0.8-1.5μ. In the myocardium after fixation the myofibrils are contracted and I bands are sbsent. Cardiac mitochondria are found between the sarcolemma and the underlying myofibrils, closely packed in columns between myofibrils and in perinuclear space. Their shape and size are rich in variety. The mitochondrion is limited by two parallel membranes and is filled with numerous parallel, densely packed cristae.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1964-11-20
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- 52)組織障害による動脈の充塞反応(Filling Reaction)について(第29回日本循環器学会関東・甲信越・北陸地方会総会)
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