Prediction of Embolism in Atrial Fibrillation : Classification of Left Atrial Thrombi by Transesophageal Echocardiography
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The current study undertaken to clarify the relationship between cerebral/arterial embolism and the morphology of left atrial thrombi. Forty-one patients with atrial fibrillation and left atrial thrombi were followed for 1 year, using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) to study how the shape, site, movability, number and maximum dimension of left atrial thrombi are related to embolism. Left atrial thrombi were classified by their shape and movability into movable ball (MB) type (n=13), fixed ball (FB) type (n=17) and mountain (MN) type (n=11). The thrombi were also classified by location into the interior section (n=3), middle section (n=8), and the entrance section (n=19) of the left atrial appendage, and the section outside of the left atrial appendage (n=11). The rate of embolism in the MB-type group was significantly higher than that in the other groups (ie, MB 76.9% vs FB 17.6% (p<0.01) vs MN 9.1%; p<0.01), which indicates that the MB-type thrombus is an important risk factor for cerebral/arterial embolism.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2000-05-20
佐藤 雅彦
佐藤 雅彦
斎藤 富善
Iwai-takano Masumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Murai Kazunori
岩手医科大学 病理学
小野 正博
Maruyama Yukio
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Maehara Kazuhira
First Depertment of Internal Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
Watanabe Yasuyuki
Department of Internal Medicine
Iwai Masumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Maruyama Yukio
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical College
Nagata Kenji
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Sato Masahiko
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Murai Kazunori
Department Of Internal Medicine Hematology/oncology Iwate Medical University School Of Medicine
Saito Tomiyoshi
Division Of Pathology Hoshi General Hospital
Maehara Kazuhira
Department Of Internal Medicine Hematology/oncology Iwate Medical University School Of Medicine
Maehara Kazuhira
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Maruyama Y
Department Of Cardiology And Hematology Fukushima Medical University
Abe Yukihiko
Department of Cardiology, Ohara Medical Center
Gotou Jun
First Department of Internal Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
Asakura Tsukasa
Department Of Cardiology Ohara Medical Center
Saito Tomiyosi
First Division, Department of Internal Medicine, Fukushima Medical College
Department of Internal Medicine II, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki
Watanabe Yasuyuki
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Iwai(takano) Masumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Gotou Jun
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Maehara Kaztuhira
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Abe Yukihiko
Department Of Cardiology Ohara Medical Center
Saitou Takeo
Division Of Pathology Hoshi General Hospital
Saitoh Tuneyoshi
1st Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical College
Ishikawa Syunichi
Department of Internal Medicine, Yonezawa City Hospital
Gotou Jun
Department of Cardiology, Ohara Medical Center
Iwai Masumi
Department of Cardiology, Ohara Medical Center
Sando Masahito
Department of Cardiology, Ohara Medical Center
Maehara Kazuhira
福島県立医科大学 第1内科
Watanabe Yasuyuki
First Department Of Internal Medicine Fukushima Medical University
Maehara Kazuhira
Internal Medicine Shirakawa Kousei Hospital
Murai Kazunori
Department Of Hematology/oncology Internal Medicine Iwate Medical University
Sakamoto Takayuki
福島県立医科大学 内科第1
Maehara Kazuhira
First Department Of Internal Medicine
Ishikawa Syunichi
Department Of Cardiology Ohara Medical Center
Ishikawa Shunichi
Department Of Cardiology Ohara Medical Center
Iwai Masumi
Department Of Biofunctional Molecular Chemistry Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba Uni
Watanabe Yasuyuki
Department Of Cardiology Ohara Medical Center
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