Effect of a Single Oral Dose of Pilsicainide on Pacing Thresholds in Pacemaker Patients With and Without Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
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A single oral dose of plisicainide, a class 1c antiarrhythmic drug, is effective in terminating acute-onset atrial fibrillation (AF), but its effect on pacing thresholds in pacemaker patients is unknown. The present study measured atrial and ventricular pacing thresholds after a single oral dose of pilsicainide in patients with and without AF. Twelve patients with dual-chamber pacemakers were evaluated. Pacing thresholds as well as plasma pilsicainide concentration were measured prior to and then at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min and 24h following a single oral dose of pilsicainide (150mg). Six patients had paroxysmal AF and the remaining 6 did not. Pacing thresholds increased significantly (134±8%) in the atrium (p<0.05) and in the ventricle (155±11%; p<0.001) following pilsicainide administration in all 12 patients. Plasma concentrations of pilsicainide showed a positive liner correlation with pacing thresholds (R=0.62, p<0.0001 in the atrium; R=0.74, p<0.0001 in the ventricle). Atrial pacing thresholds in the patients with AF showed a significant increase at 90, 120 and 180 min compared with the patients without AF (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in either the ventricular pacing thresh-old or the plasma pilsicainide concentration in the patients with and without AF. It was concluded that a single oral dose of pilsicainide increases the pacing thresholds in both the atrium and ventricle in a selected group of pacemaker-implanted patients; that is, those who are aged and with AF. Thus, careful attention should be paid to pacemaker-dependent patients, particularly those with paroxysmal AF, when administering pilsicainide.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2000-09-20
ABE Haruhiko
Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
KOHSHI Kiyotaka
Department of Neurosurgery
Abe Haruhiko
Department Of Cardiology University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Nakashima Yasuhide
Second Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Occupational and Environme
Nagatomo Toshihisa
Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Numata Tetsuya
Department of Internal Medicine II, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Numata Tetsuya
Second Department of Internal Medicine
Kohshi Kiyotaka
Department Of Neurosurgery University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Kohshi Kiyotaka
Department Of Hyperbaric Medicine:department Of Neurosurgery School Of Medicine University Of Occupa
Numata Tetsuya
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Nagatomo Toshihisa
The Second Department Of Internal Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Abe Haruhiko
Second Department Of Internal Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Nakashima Yasuhide
Second Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environment
Nakashima Yasuhide
Second Depadment Of Internal Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Abe Haruhiko
Second Department Of Internal Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health School Of
Abe Haruhiko
Second Department Of Internal Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health School Of
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