The Relation Between the Pacing Sites in the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract and QRS Morphology in the 12-Lead ECG
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Optimal pace mapping is a good predictor of the appropriate ablation site for idiopathic right ventricular tachycardia(VT)originating from the right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT).We studied the relationship between the RVOT pacing site and QRS morphology in the 12-lead ECG during pacing to find the optimal site more quickly.In 13 patients with idiopathic VT, pacing at 8 sites in the RVOT(free wall, septum, and anterior and posterior regions of upper and lower sites)was performed while 12-lead ECGs were recorded.The R-wave amplitude minus the S-wave amplitude in lead I(R_I-S_I)and aV_F(R_aVF-S_aVF)and the transitional zone index(TZI)were compared in the different pacing sites;TZI was defined to examine the transitional zone as a value.The R_I-S_I was smaller in the anterior region than in the other regions, and the negative R_I-S_I perdicted that the pacing site was in the upper or lower anterior regions.The R_aVf-S_aVF was larger in the septum and anterior regions than in the free wall and posterior regions.The TZI was larger in the free wall region than in the septum.From the results, we constructed a flow chary that differentiates the origin of the arrhythmia in the RVOT and a directional guide that indicates the direction from the current mapping site for optimal pace mapping.The results provided an ECG guide for locating the focus of VT originating from the RVOT.These findings may systematically improve the mapping procedure.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1998-05-20
Shimizu Hiroki
First Department of Internal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Division of Surgery,Tokushukai Nozaki Hospital
Yokoyama Mitsuhiro
Yokoyama Mitsuhiro
富山大学 医学部バイオ統計学臨床疫学
Yokoyama Mitsuhiro
Division Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University
Yokoyama Mitsuhiro
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Inoh Tsutomu
Kobe University School Of Medicine First Department Of Internal Medicine
Inoue Tomoo
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ohnishi Yoshio
First Department of Internal Medicine Kobe University School of Medicine
Sekiya Junichi
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Shima takashi
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Yoshida Akihiro
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Himeji Cardiovascular Center
Itagaki Takeshi
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Himeji Cardiovascular Center
Sekiya Junichi
Division of Internal Medicine, Sanda City Hospital
Yamashiro Kouhei
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Takei Asumi
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Adachi Kazumasa
First Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe University School of Medicine
Ohnishi Yoshio
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ohnishi Yoshio
Division Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University
Adachi Kazumasa
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Yamashiro Kouhei
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Yamashiro Kouhei
Department Of Cardiology Himeji Cardiovascular Center
Inoh Tsutomu
Department Of Internal Medicine Devision I Kobe University School Of Medicine
Shima Takashi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroki
First Department Of Medicine Hyogo College Of Medicine
Sekiya Junichi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroki
First Department Of Internal Medicine Hyogo College Of Medicine
Yoshida Akihiro
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Takei Asumi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Itagaki Takeshi
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Inoue Tomoo
From The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
Yokoyama Mitsuhiro
First Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University
Yoshida Akihiro
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine St. Marianna University School Of Medicine
Inoue Tomoo
Division Of Surgery Tokushukai Nozaki Hospital
Inoue Tomoo
First Department Of Internal Medicine. Kobe University School Of Medicine
Ohnishi Yoshio
Division Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University
Yoshida Akihiko
Department Of Internal Medicine Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kobe University Graduate School
Yokoyama Mitsuhiro
First Department Of Internal Medicine
Division of Cardiology, Sanda City Hospital
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