Strong Normalization of Pure $\mathit{GL}_w$-$\lambda\mu$-Terms
- A Galois embedding from polymorphic types into existential types : Extended Abstract (Proof Theory and Computation Theory)
- 2階直観主義命題論理のKripkeモデルと束論的モデルの双対性 (形式体系と計算理論)
- CPS-translation as adjoint: extended abstract (算術体系の証明論--RIMS共同研究報告集)
- Parallel Computation and Synchronized Term Rewriting Systems : Extended Abstract (Algebraic Semigroups, Formal Languages and Computation)
- Residuated mapping and CPS-translation : Extended abstract(Algebras, Languages, Computations and their Applications)
- Galois embedding from universal types into existential types : Extended Abstract(Algorithmic problems in algebra, languages and computation systems)
- A sound and complete CPS-translation for $\lambda\mu$-calculus : Extended abstract (Algebra, Languages and Computation)
- $\gamma$-Calculus with Lazy Lists : Extended abstract (Algorithms in Algebraic Systems and Computation Theory)
- Multiple-Conclusion System as Communication Calculus : Informal meaning of proofs as communication terms (Algebraic Systems, Formal Languages and Computations)
- Strong Normalization of Pure $\mathit{GL}_w$-$\lambda\mu$-Terms
- Calculus of Classical Proofs from Programming Viewpoint(New Aspects in Non-Classical Logics and Their Kripke Semantics)