P-12 Research on Mountaineering Equipments during Autumn in Japan(Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
Jissen Women's University
Kyushu University
Yamasaki Kazuhiko
Jissen Women's University
Maeda Akiko
Nagano Prefectural College
Nagano Prefectural College
Tochihara Yutaka
Kyushu Institute Of Design
- Effects of Sex, Season and Susceptibility to the Heat and the Cold on Themoregulatory Responses in Japanese Adults (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-1 Comparative Study of Susceptibility to the Heat and the Cold on Themoregulatory Responses in Japanese Female Adults(Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-5 Differences of Urinary Hormones on Students in Fukuoka and Akita (2)
- P-1 Individual Differences of Mean Clothing Microclimate
- I-16 Basic Study on Bone Densitometry
- L-17 Evaluation of Dwelling Environment by Mean Clothing Microclimate (Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-9 Thermoregulatory Responses Affected by the Combination of Air Temperature and Wet Revel of Clothing(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- P-12 Research on Mountaineering Equipments during Autumn in Japan(Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Survey on Climatic Chamber : 2nd. Report
- 1A-2-4 Dazzling Sensation with Turn on a Light (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-4 The Most Hated Animal by Female College Students (Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- I-2 Study on Weight Loss in Dairy Life (Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effect of Color Discrimination Ability and Visual Acuity in Their Living Environments of the Elderly (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-8 Comparison of Color Discrimination Ability between Elderly and Young People
- P-24 Color Discrimination of the Aged Using 100 Hue Test(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Sweat Responses to Pesticide-Proof Clothing Influenced by Textile Materials
- 1-6 Physiological Responses While Wearing Protective Clothing for Fire Fighters(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-7 Comparison of Thermoregulatory Responses between Normal Temperature and Cold(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- L-12 Change of Skin Properties with Aging (Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- M-19 Study of Awaking and Re-sleep during Different Sleep Phases (Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 11 Study on the Application of Mean Clothing Microclimate (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- B-P8 Study of Adaptation in Outdoor Sleep (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- A-P3 The Formula of Mean Microclimate Clothing (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-13 Study on Measurement of Wetness of the Skin (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- I-9 Weight Loss in Falling Asleep (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1A-3-3 Evaluation of the Shapes of Limbs (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-5 Human Model for Evaluation of Dwelling Environment : 2nd. Report (Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Human Model for Evaluation of Dwelling Environment
- Effect of Antibacterial and Deodorant Processing for Socks
- Study of Interaction between Lighting and Room Color : 2nd. Report
- Hysteresis Effects in Various Work and Environmental Conditions
- The relationship between Microcrimet Clothing Temperature and Skin Temperature.
- Basic Study on the Mean Microclimet Clothing
- II-12 Comparison of Skin Surface Configuration in Japanese Females (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Age related changes in subcutaneous fat distribution of Japanese Women : regarding skinfold thickness of the abdomen and buttock
- I-12 Effects of Removal Method on Unwanted Hair Growth(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 33 Study on Faculty of Balance using a Seesaw System (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 30 Basic Study on Hot Bathing of the Legs (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- PC1-1 Environmental and Behavioral Conditions of Bathing in Japanese Elderly Persons(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Physiological and Subjective Responses in the Elderly When Using Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems : A Study in a Purposebuilt Experimental House (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- A Survey on Thermal Environments in Bathrooms in Japan : Part 2. Thermal Conditions in Bathrooms (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- A Survey on Thermal Environments in Bathrooms in Japan : Part 1. Bathing Condition Based on Questionnaires (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-17 Effect of Low Relative Humidity on Physiological and Psychological Responses : A Comparison between Old and Young People
- Thermal Environment and Subjective Responses of Patients and Staff in a Hospital during Winter
- Physiological and Subjective Responses in the Elderly When Using Floor Heating and Air Conditioning Systems
- 2-1 Effect of Low Relative Humidity on Physiological and Psychological Responses(Proceedings of the 50th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 12 Clothing Pressure of Ski Suit for Competition (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- I-8 The Effects of Smell Stimulus on HRV before and after of Eating
- HII-1 Evaluation of Comfortableness on Various Materials for Bedclothes
- II-22 Evaluation of Comfortableness for Soft Finished Towel(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-15 Study on Treatment and Depilation of Body Hair(Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- I-15 Study on Long Range Visual Acuity(Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Changes of skin color with the times in Japanese adult male and female
- Effects of Radiant Head Heating on Physiologcal Responses under Exercise
- Effects of Wind and Windless Conditions on Physiological Responses in Cool Environulent
- Effects of Radient Head Heating on Physiolosical and Psychological Responses
- Subcutaneous Fat Distribution of the Abdomen and Buttocks in Japanese Women Aged 20 to 58 Years
- An overall study of the skin : the parameters and their charactaristics
- Thermal Responses to Repeated Exposures to Severe Cold after Midnight
- Short Term Longitudinal Changes in Subcutaneous Fat Distribution and Body Size among Japanese Women in the Third Decade of Life
- Perceived, Actual, and Seasonal Changes in the Shape of the Face, Hands and Legs
- 1B-3-1 The effect on the cold adaptation for cold storage workers. (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- P2-4 A Survey on Toilet Environments for the Elderly in Fukuoka(Proceedings of the 50th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- SVI-2 A Survey on Bathroom Environments for the Elderly in Fukuoka (Proceedings of the 49th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-8 Physiological Responses to a Slight Heat Shock in Japanese Female Adults(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Antimicrobial activity of textile fabrics by new dry test method
- New Method for Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Fabric
- 8 Longitudinal Study of Changes in Subcutaneous Fat Distribution and Body Size among Japanese Women in Their 20's (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- P-11 Study on the Perception of Color between Two Groups with Different Iris Colors(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effects of Head Cooling on Sweat Rate in Exercising Subjects Wearing Protective Clothing and Mask for Pesticide
- Study of the Estimation Method of UV Intensity
- II-23 Evaluation of Mental Performance Using Cellular Phone(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- II-3 Characteristics of Physiological Responses in a Non-steady State Thermal Environment in the Elderly(Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-22 Effect of Bathing Pattern on Physiological and Psychological Responses during and after Bathing(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- A-P2 The Effects of Bathing on Cellular Immunity in the Eldery. (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 6 Study on Short Range Visual Acuity (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Survey on Climatic Chamber
- O07-2 Less hunting finger and more vasoconstricted hand in tropical indigenes during finger cold-induced vasodilation
- P-702 Effect of Low Relative Humidity on Physiological and Subjective Responses : A Comparison between Old and Young People
- P2-22 Physiological responses during 6-hour exposure to low relative humidity and low air pressure
- P-502 Physiological and Subjective Responses while Feet are in Contact with Cooled Floors
- P1-17 A survey on the awareness of ultraviolet radiation and protective use of sunglasses in fishing industry workers
- S5-2 Clothing at altitude : Effects of low air pressure on thermal responses in cold environment
- P1-33 The effects of different VDT display modes on work efficiency and physiological and psychological responses
- P2-14 Thermal resistance of Japanese-infant clothing ensembles using a baby thermal manikin
- E-2 Physiological and subjective evaluation of Japanese, European, and the US firefighter helmet, gloves, and boots for international standardization