Von Neumann-Jordan constant and some geometrical constants of Banach spaces(NONLINEAR ANALYSIS AND CONVEX ANALYSIS)
高橋 泰嗣
加藤 幹雄
加藤 幹雄
Department of Mathematics, Kyushu Institute of Technology
加藤 幹雄
Department of Mathematics, Lulea University
高橋 安嗣
Department of System Engineering, Okayama prefectural University
Maligranda Lech
Department Of Mathematics Lulea University
- バナッハ空間の幾何学的定数に関する最近の話題 (非加法性の数理と情報 : 凸解析との接点)
- Some recent results on James and von Neumann-Jordan constants (The geometrical structure of Banach spaces and Function spaces and its applications)
- On the coefficient of weak orthogonality and normal structure (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Some recent results on James and von Neumann-Jordan constants (バナッハ空間及び関数空間論における幾何学的構造の研究とその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Dunkl-Williams型不等式と幾何学的定数 (バナッハ空間及び関数空間論の最近の進展とその応用)
- Sharp triangle inequalityの一般化について (バナッハ空間及び関数空間論の最近の進展とその応用)
- Some results on von Neumann-Jordan type constants of Banach spaces (バナッハ空間、関数空間及び不等式の研究とその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 三角不等式の精密化とその応用(バナッハ空間、関数空間及び不等式の研究とその応用)
- Banach-Mazur distance and B-convex Banach spaces(The structure of Banach spaces and Function spaces)
- Uniform non-$l_1^n$-ness of direct sums of Banach spaces(The structure of Banach spaces and Function spaces)
- Hanner type inequalities and duality(Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Property M and the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings (Banach and function spaces and their application)
- Functions related to some geometrical properties of Banach Spaces (Banach and function spaces and their application)
- UNIFORM NON-$\ell^n_1$-NESS OF $\psi$-DIRECT SUMS OF BANACH SPACES $X{\oplus_\psi}Y$ (Advanced Study of Applied Functional Analysis and Information Sciences)
- On some inequalities related with $p$-uniform smoothness and $q$-uniform convexity (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Fixed point property of ψ-direct sums of Banach spaces (バナッハ空間の構造の研究とその応用 研究集会報告集)
- Strong random Clarkson inequality and its extension (Advanced Topics of Information Science and Functional Analysis)
- Hanner-type inequality and optimal 2-uniform convexity and smoothness inequalities (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- On optimal 2-uniform convexity inequalities (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Djokovic不等式の一考察 (作用素の不等式とその周辺)
- Hlawkaの不等式の拡張(応用函数解析の研究)
- バナッハ空間の直和と一様凸性について (作用素論の発展と諸問題)
- On Tensor Matrices and Norm Inequalities (Common Ground between Functional Analysis and Mathematical Theory of Information)
- On some generalizations of $q$-uniform convexity inequalities (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Absolute Norms on $\Bbb{C}^n$ (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- On James and Schaffer constants for Banach spaces (Topics in Information Sciences and Applied Functional Analysis)
- ON ABSOLUTE NORMS ON $\Bbb{C}^2$ : the Geometric Aspect (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Recent Progress in Banach Space Theory
- W. T. Gowers氏の業績I
- Von Neumann-Jordan constant and uniformly non-square Banach spaces
- Von Neumann-Jordan constant and some geometrical constants of Banach spaces(NONLINEAR ANALYSIS AND CONVEX ANALYSIS)
- Geometry of Banach spaces and norms of $\pm$ matrices
- Some characterizations of uniformly non-square Banach spaces(Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Clarkson, random Clarkson inequalities and Rademacher type for Banach spaces
- Uniform convexity, uniform non-squareness and von Neumann-Jordan constant for Banach spaces(Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- On Clarkson-Boas-type inequalities(Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- $\ell_p$-Space間のDiagonal Operatorを通して分解可能なOperatorについて (作用素イデヤルの研究)
- 凸集合における不等式の一つの思想 (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究)
- マイ☆ベストTV 2005年8月1日〜31日放送分 地上波テレビ/BS/CS/CATV/文字放送
- Norm Inequalities and Geometry of Banach Spaces (バナッハ空間の構造の研究とその応用 研究集会報告集)
- Some inequalities concerning geometric constants of Banach spaces (Banach space theory and related topics)
- Some geometric constants related with the modulus of convexity of a Banach space (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Hlawka type inequalities in Banach spaces (Nonlinear Analysis and Convex Analysis)
- Pre-Gaussian cylindrical measures on Banach spaces
- Hilbertian support of p-stable measures on Banach spaces
- Some convexity constants related to Hlawka inequalities in Banach spaces(Inequalities in operator theory and its related topics)
- Some results on Bochner-type theorems
- 無限次元空間のmeasure(Positivityに関連する解析学)
- On stronly Lp-imbeddable locally convex spaces
- Kernels associated with cylindrical measures and probability measures
- Kernels of cylindrical measures on locally convex Hausdorff spaces〔英文〕
- Zero-one laws for operator semi-stable measures
- Bochner′s theorem and partially admissible shifts of measures on Lp-spaces
- $(*)_p$-ConditionをみたすBanach Spaceについて (作用素イデヤルの研究)
- バナッハ空間のskew定数について (非線形解析学と凸解析学の研究)