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大阪府A市における昭和55年生まれの児全数(約1800人)を対象に,4ケ月,7ケ月,11ケ月,1才8ケ月及び3才6ケ月の5時点で,prospectiveに調査を実施した。調査内容は妊娠・出産経過,疾病羅患・事故状況,児の身体・精神発達,住環境,養育環境,親子関係など,各調査時点でそれぞれ約400項目である。アンケート回収率はすべて82%以上である。本報告では,母及び父の児への関わりの実態,およびそれらが児の発達に及ぼす影響について検討した。また,育児における母の心理状態,特に育児における不安について検討した。育児で最も心配だった時期は,出産直後と1才以降の2つのピークが見られた。特に1才以降のピークは大きく3才半時点まで遷延している。In order to research children's psycho-somatic state and development as well as the relationship between Parents and children,we made a prospective investigation of a whole population who were born in a certain year(1975)in a certain city located in Osaka Prefecture.About 1800 children were investigated five times in sequence:when their ages were 4 months,7 months,11 mouths,1 year 8 months and 3 years.Each investigation was composed of two parts:one was the questionaire to the parents about 400 questions such as the states of pregnancy and childbirth,past history of diseases or accidents,child's psycho-physical development,parents attitude and opinion of bringing up children etc.,and the other was the medical examination of children by pediatricians in public health center.In this paper we mainly reported about the actual condition of the way,how mother andor father reared their child and how the parants-child relationship influenced child's development.We will continue this study following the same objects in their school age and adolescence.
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