D122 廃食用油を燃料とした副室式遮熱エンジン
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Recently, with the purpose of energy saving and environmental conservation, community services including general household to collect waste cooking oil have been actively pursued. In future, using the raw waste cooking oil as fuel of small sized engines will greatly contribute toward building the recycling-oriented society. However, operation of conventional small sized engines using the raw waste cooking oil is very difficult because of building up deposit on the combustion chamber wall. In this study, the raw waste cooking oil as fuel was applied to a heat insulated engine to eliminate the problems in the conventional engines. This paper describes performance of the heat insulated engine fueled with the raw waste cooking oil as fuel and demonstrate that the operation with the raw cooking oil as fuel is possible in the engine.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-11-06
中島 健朗
関山 恵夫
中島 健朗
関山 恵夫
佐々木 洋士
佐々木 洋士
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