K-1208 粘弾性流体の二次元分岐流路内流れの数値解析に関する研究(S17-2 複雑流路内流れ(2))(S17 非ニュートン流体の複雑流路内の流れ)
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This report describes Numerical analysis of flow of the viscoelastic fluid in two dimensional channel junction with a dividing angle of 90 degree. The upper convected Maxwell model and the Denn model were used as the constitutive equations of viscoelastic fluid. The vorticity transport equation is solved using the finite difference method with an upwind scheme for it and the viscoelastic stress. The numerical results of flow pattern did not agree with the characteristic flow patterns of polymer solutions in experiment. However the sizes of separation zones of the polymer solutions agreed qualitatively with the numerical results using UCM model, and did not agree with these using Denn model.
- 2001-08-22
- K-1208 粘弾性流体の二次元分岐流路内流れの数値解析に関する研究(S17-2 複雑流路内流れ(2))(S17 非ニュートン流体の複雑流路内の流れ)
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