2201 フィンガートップガスタービンの開発をめざして
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ultra micro turbine concept based upon MEMS technology was proposed by MIT in 1997,since then several projects have been initiated and sponsored by DARPA for its development throughout the universities and research institutions in the US. The present authors, who belong to Gas Turbine Society of Japan, regard such ultra micro gas turbine engine systems to be crucial for the future mobile and friendly energy utilization technology that anyone can enjoy at any place on the globe. In this paper, our palm top gas turbine (2-3kW, dry weight 14.3kg included generator, rotational speed 235000rpm, outer diameter 180mm, length 335mm) and finger top gas turbine test model (tens of W, rotational speed 1170000rpm, outer diameter 23mm, length 32mm) are described, which is the two-years research outcome of international cooperation amongst the Japanese universities, institutions and companies, ONERA, CIAM and VKI, under the NEDO financial support International Joint Research Project from FY2001 to FY2003.
- 2003-08-05
- 超小型ガスタービンの開発(超小型ガスタービンの開発)
- D245 フィンガートップガスタービンの開発をめざして
- 2201 フィンガートップガスタービンの開発をめざして
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