2515 第二世代の衝突解析ソフトウェア PAM-CRASH '2G' V2002
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This paper describes the renovated version of PAM-CRASH that is the crash analysis software based on the finite element method and the explicit time integration scheme. The contents of the renovation consists of three points : (i) software architecture renovation. (ii) practical DMP (Distributed Memory Parallel) solution. (iii) new failure criteria for material and spot. The software architecture renovation realizes the complete memory allocation and the single source code for SMP (Sheared Memory Parallel) and DMP. The DMP version provides the user the practical solution of the huge crash model. The new failure criteria enhance reproductiveness or predictiveness of the material behavior. PAM-CRASH V2002 is the second generation of the crash software.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20