1344 固気混相噴流火炎の LES
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Three-dimensional large eddy simulation (LES) is applied to a turbulent jet flame of a solid fuel, and the interactions among the dispersion, evaporation and combustion of the solid-fuel particles are investigated. It is assumed that the solid-fuel particles evaporate dependent on the temperature prior to reacting, and that the chemical reaction with heat release of the fuel vapour and oxidizer takes place in the continuous phase. The results show that the radial profiles of the mean axial gas velocity, product mass fraction and temperature tend to correspond to the Gaussain profile in the jet center region, but deviate from it in the jet edge region. Also, the radial distance, which shows the maximum particle number density, for Ce=3.0 moves outward earlier than those for Ce=0 and 1.0.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-09-20
牧野 尚夫
(財)電力中央研究所 エネルギー技術研究所
牧野 尚夫
牧野 尚夫
財団法人 電力中央研究所 エネルギー技術研究所
黒瀬 良一
牧野 尚夫
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