250 傾斜組成不均質界面層を有する W-Cu ダイバータ板の熱衝撃破壊
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The plane elasticity solution is presented in this paper for the crack problem of a W-Cu divertor plate under thermal shock. The material is made of a graded layer with the exponentially varying thermomechanical properties bonded between a homogeneous substrate and a homogeneous coating, and it is subjected to a cyicle of heating and cooling on the coating surface of the material. The surface layer contains an embedded or a surface crack perpendicular to the boundaries. Using superposition the problem is reduced to a perturbation problem in which the crack surface tractions are only external forces. Fourier transforms are used to formulate the crack problem in terms of a singular integral equation. After giving some sample results regarding the distribution of thermal stresses, stress intensity factors for embedded and surface cracks are presented. Also included are the results for a crack/contact problem in a divertor plate that is under compression near and at the surface and tension in the interior region.
- 2000-07-31
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