- 論文の詳細を見る
In this report we presented experimental and clinical data on the Hemoclear μ-nephros 1.4 dialyzer and discussed the problem on the the small compact parallel-flow dialyzers in terms of small molecular clearance, blood compartment volume and ultrafiltration.The performance of the Hemoclear is approximately as efficient for the small molecule and ultrafiltration as the other parallel-flow dialyzers, but has a priming volume of 50ml. This high area/blood volume correlation is satisfactory for daily dialysis methods, although there was a relative decrease in ultrafiltration rate under the high negative pressure range (TMP over 250mmHg), which might be a consequence of newly formed small air bubbles under the high negative prersure.
- 日本医療機器学会の論文
- 1980-08-01
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