フィルターによる濃厚赤血球製剤からの白血球除去 : Pall RC 100,Pall RC 50 及び Pall BPF 4 の評価
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We evaluated 3 types of leukocyte removal filters made for red cell concentrates(RCC), the Pall RC 100,RC 50 and BPF 4,using a flow cytometric method able to count small numbers of residual leukocytes in RCC with high sensitivity. The leukocyte removal rates, red cell recoveries and the effects of filtration on red cells were examined. When RCCs prepared from 400 ml of whole blood and then stored for 3 days were filtered at a starting temperature of 6℃, the leukocyte-removal rates with the Pall RC 100 and RC 50 were 99.51±0.38% and 99.69±0.17%(n=3), respectively. On the other hand the leukocyte-removal rate of the BPF 4 filter was 99.998±0.001% and only 6.49±2.00×10^4 cells were left in one unit of the filtered RCC. The recoveries of red cells were about 90% in the RCC filtered by these filters. The filtered red cells retained normal concentrations of ATP and 2,3-DPG during storage for 3 weeks, but the amount of supernatant hemoglobin in the filtered RCC was slightly higher than that in the non-filtered RCC. The Pall RC 100 and RC 50 are suitable for leukocyte depletion from RCC at the bedside and the Pall BPF 4 for the preparation of leukocyte-depleted RCC at blood centers, because the last filter requires only a short time for filtration. The use of the BPF 4 filter, a 4th generation leukocyte removal filter, is expected not only prevent non-hemolytic febrile reactions but also alloimmunization.
- 日本医療機器学会の論文
- 1992-02-01
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