女子青年における女性性受容と摂食障害傾向 : 自尊感情,身体満足度,異性意識を媒介として
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In our study, we focused on ordinary female adolescents to investigate how the acceptance of femininity affects the tendency toward eating disorder through the former's effect on self-esteem, degree of satisfaction with one's physique, and consciousness of the opposite sex, by hypothesizing of a causality model for each stage of development. Our subjects were 698 girls whose ages ranged from the upper grades of elementary school to college and university age, and who were surveyed via a questionnaire in regards to their acceptance of femininity, self-esteem, degree of satisfaction with one's physique, consciousness of the opposite sex, and tendency toward eating disorder. Our results indicated that (a) for girls of a junior high school age and older, being unable to have "active acceptance of femininity" increased the "tendency toward eating disorder" because of lowered "self esteem;" (b) with junior high school and high-school students, the path from "degree of satisfaction with one's physique" to "tendency toward eating disorder" disappeared, suggesting that early and middle adolescence was in a state of confusion in terms of physicality; (c) in all stages of development, the "acceptance of femininity" elevated the "tendency toward eating disorder" through former's effect on "consciousness of the opposite sex," sensitivity to the words and actions of the opposite sex acting as a trigger for the "tendency toward eating disorder;" (d) for college and university students, "reluctant acceptance of femininity" makes "self-esteem" lower and induces the "tendency toward eating disorder," suggesting that the adaptation to a traditional female roles induced the "tendency toward eating disorder" through lowered "self-esteem."
- 日本青年心理学会の論文
- 2002-01-31
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