B-P11 The Study of Ki Energy using Breathing Method : The Flow and Reacting Patterns of Ki energy (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
内山 幸樹
内山 幸樹
SAKAMOTO Kazuyoshi
Department of Industriam Management Engineerings, Faculty of Electro-Communications, The University
Takahashi Miki
Japan Woman's College Of Physical Education
Japan Woman's College of Physical Education
Kikuchi Hideko
Japan Woman's College of Physical Education
Dezit Comp.
Sakamoto Kazuyoshi
Department Of Communications And Systems Engineering The University Of Electro-communications
Kataoka Junko
Japan Woman's College Of Physical Education
Kikuchi Hideko
Japan Woman's College Of Physical Education
- ブログ上での話題伝播に注目した重要語判別
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- 3ZK-2 汎用的なWeb推薦アルゴリズムの提案(情報爆発時代におけるWeb技術およびWeb情報抽出,学生セッション,「情報爆発」時代に向けた新しいIT基盤技術)
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