A-P5 The effects to two different moisture of clothing material on thermoregulatory response during exercise (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
Zhang Ping
Department Of Pathology Wakayama Medical University
Tokura Hiromi
Department Of Aothing Sciences Nara Women's Vniversity
Kim Suk
Department Of Electronics Engineering Pusan National University
Department of Environmental Health, Nara Women's University
Watanabe Yumico
Department Of Environmental Health Nara Women's University
Kim Suk
Department Of Electronics Engineering And The Research Institute Of Computer Information And Communi
Zhang Ping
Department Of Biomedical Engineering Indiana University-purdue University Indianapolis
Kim Suk
Department Of Environmental Health Nara Women's University
Zhang Ping
Department Of Anatomy & Cell Biology Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapo
Kim Suk
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong, Seodaemun-Ku, Seoul 120-749, Korea
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