Comprehensive Evaluation of Selected Methods for Assessing Human Body Composition
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The present study investigated the validity, reliability, objectivity, and practicability of methods with skinfold caliper (SF), ultrasound (US), bioelectrical impedance (BI), and sulfur hexafluoride (SHD) using identical subjects, and evaluated comprehensive usefulness by comparing selected methods or equations. In examining validity, underwater weighing (UW) was employed to obtain the criterion of validity. The subjects were healthy Japanese, 16 males and 15 females, aged 18 to 32 years. The prediction equation developed by Nakadomo et al. (1990b) was considered to be suitable for BI. With respect to the validity, BI and SHD assessing total body when estimating body composition would be more valid than those assessing partial subcutaneous skinfold thickness. A comprehensive evaluation through an examination with respect to the validity, reliability, objectivity, and practicability suggests that the BI could be the best method to assess human body composition in vivo.
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Demura Shinichi
Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School Of Natural Sci. & Technol.
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Tanaka Kiyoji
三重大学 教育学部
Demura S
Graduate School Of Natural Science & Technology Kanazawa University
Kobayashi Hidetsugu
Fukui National College of Technology
Tanaka K
Univ. Tsukuba
Tanaka K
Univ. Tsukuba Tsukuba Jpn
Demura Shin-ichi
Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University
Demura Shin-ichi
Department Of Physical Education Kanazawa University
Tanaka Kiyoji
Institute Of Health And Sport Sciences And Center For Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance(tara) Unive
Murase Tomohiko
Research Center of Physical Education, Aichi University
Nagasawa Yoshinori
Akita Prefectural University, Research and Education Center for Comprehensive Science
Sato Susumu
Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Life-long Sports Core
Kobayashi Hidetsugu
Fulcui National College of Technology
Sato Susumu
Kanazawa Inst. Of Technol. Life-long Sports Core
Sato S
Life-long Sports Core Kanazawa Institute Of Technology
Demura Shin-ichi
Faculty Of Education Kanazawa University
Sato Susumu
Department Of Precision Mechanics Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto University
Tanaka Kiyoji
Institute For Molecular And Cellular Biolog
Murase Tomohiko
Research Center Of Physical Education Aichi University
Nagasawa Y
Akita Prefectual University
Nagasawa Yoshinori
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ. Dep. Of Health And Sports Sciences
Nagasawa Yoshinori
Akita Prefectual University
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