110 溝状テクスチャ付表面における分子層潤滑膜のスプレッディング特性 : モンテカルロシミュレーションとPFPE薄膜を用いた測定(情報機器コンピュータメカニクス1 : ヘッド・ディスク・インタフェース)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Spreading characteristics of molecularly thin lubricant over grooved surface has been studied numerically by Monte Carlo simulations and compared with measurements obtained by perfluoropolyether (PFPE) thin film spreading over a solid surface with minute grooves. In the simulations, by incorporating the interactions between molecule and side surfaces of a groove, the Monte Carlo method based on the Ising model was extended to the case of surface with grooves and applied to simulation for the spreading of non-polar lubricant inside a groove. Compared with the spreading on a smooth surface, lubricant spreads rapidly inside the groove, indicating an acceleration of the spreading along the groove. In the experiments, lubricant spreading on surface with groove-shaped texture was measured by making use of the extinction of diffraction light on the lubricant-covered region. From the results that lubricant spread predominantly along the groove, the accelerating effect obtained in the simulations is well confirmed by the measurements.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-03-23
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