220 地盤改良機の振動特性に関する研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the past, the design of a vibratory machine(Vibro-flot) has been done in a way of trial and error. The machine is used for solidifying ground. We have analyzed vibratory behavior of the machine with data supplied by the maker of the machine and proposed a theoretical model for determining the natural frequency. It was desirable to check the theoretical model for general cases. However it was difficult and costly to change any experimental parameters of a practical machine. So we proposed a two-dimensional laboratory model in order to verify our analysis in more general cases. The Vibro-flot model consists of a rectangular steel plate suspended from a supporting bar through a thin cloth and variable masses are attached to both of the top and the bottom of the steel plate. Using this model, the effects of the weight of the head mass and the bottom mass, the thickness of the steel plate, as well as the length of the suspending cloth have been systematically investigated The experimental results agreed satisfactorily with the theoretical prediction.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-06-04
- 超音速ノズルの設計および製作(II)
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- 220 地盤改良機の振動特性に関する研究
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- 913 電流制御吸引型磁気浮上系の力学特性について
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- 326 OGY 法による連続力学系のカオス振動制御系設計とポアンカレ断面の位相選択について
- 338 モデルベーストOGY法によるダフィング系のカオス振動制御について
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- 112 各種ジェットノイズサプレッサーの総合性能評価(オーガナイズドセッション : O.S.3 感性を考慮した防振・静音化技術II)
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