A214 Enhancement of Jet Diffusion Flame Blowout Limits toy Doublet Flows and Counter-flowing Swirl(Laminar flame-3)
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Two novel methods, namely doublet flows and counter-flowing swirl, were developed to attain enhancement of jet diffusion flame blowout limits. Doublet flows were formed in a concentric annulus, in which fuel was ejected from a nozzle and air was sucked into an outer cylinder encompassing the nozzle. Counter-flowing swirl was generated in the same annulus, in which air was blown tangentially from a tube connected to the cylinder to combine with the suction flow. Results showed that both methods could extend the limits and lower flame lift-off heights. Doublet flows caused frequent flame reattachment while counter-flowing swirl anchored the flame base at certain positions downstream. An equation based on recirculation vortices with self-similarity comparable to turbulent large-scale structure was developed to predict lift-off heights of the swirling flame. The agreement between prediction by the equation and data of experiments provided strong evidence that recirculation vortices dominated turbulent swirling flame stabilization.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-10-01
Yano Toshiaki
Department of Internal Medicine II, University of Yamanashi
Torii S
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kagoshima University
Torii Shuichi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kagoshima University
Torii Shuichi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kagoshima University
Chan Sze
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Kagoshima University
Yano Toshiaki
Department Of Cardiology Shizuoka City Hospital
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