1512 世田谷線と沿線地域との共存共栄に向けた取り組み
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The aim of this paper is to discuss issues regarding harmonisaton between railways/LRT and surrounding areas, adopting Setagaya Line as a case study. Due to advent of the "matured society", it is widely recognized that the era of expanding city finished. Instead, regeneration of built-up areas is a focal point of policy and business strategy with "sustainability" as a key word. Those Tokyu Corporation has done on Setagaya Line in this decade have many implications on this issue. The paper consists of our parts. First, historical background is described as an introduction. Secondly, investment on renewal of Setagaya Line is discussed, mainly focusing upon technological aspects. Thirdly, current measures on harmonizing with surrounding areas are examined. Finally, as a conclusion, paradigm shift on LRT operation is proposed.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-12-08
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- 1512 世田谷線と沿線地域との共存共栄に向けた取り組み
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