B101 セルオートマトン・シミュレータ用インタプリタに関する検討(計算機科学)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Cellular Automata (CA), which is a method for analyzing phenomena of complex systems, allows us to construct many kinds of simulators such as road traffic simulators. In the study of CA, it is important to simulate a CA model according to your design. However, you need to do software emulation for testing your designed CA models since CA dedicated computers have not been generalized yet. In this emulating software, routine works occupy the major part of its processes, such as memory management and visualization, except for the process associated with handling local rules, which defines interaction between neighbor cells. A system that supplies such processes, therefore, simplifies your CA simulation more than what you are doing now. Such a system has existed. However, these applications's feature is that they can simulate at high speed. Thereto, fearture of the system we are developing is it allow to design local rules efficiently. The interpreter type simulator we are developing executes and parses a source code described in the CA dedicated language, which can describe CA models naturally. An interpreter can expedite the works such as correction of a local rule. Besides, we designed that the implementation level of CA simulation is concealed for no requiring of a user to get knowledge about processes unrelated to CA models essentially such as visualization. The interpreter interprets the new language, named "DORA", designed by us for CA. We adopt the operators and syntax like " C" language to the new language with no demand of new knowledge. In DORA language, you define a local rule using an array that can refer states of neighbor cells located in relative coordinate system, whose origin is a target cell, with the operators and syntax like "C" language. Variables are basically local variables in "C" language. But we designed that a variable declared with "state" keyword is time-series variable, that variable is a cell state. A global variable, which all of the cells can refer, is disabled for the reason of violation to the definition of CA. A local rule is a definition for the projective mapping of the states vector of neighbor cells to a state of the processing cell at next time step. When we describe a local rule in a program language, the conditional statement chain, such as "IF THEN IF THEN IF THEN…", often occurs in the source code. Repeating to revise such a source code, an undesireble expression (for example, a conditional statement making an unchangeable result) sometimes appears in the source code because a conditional statement conflicts to other statements. It is hard to detect such a conflicting condition. All of cells operate simultaneously in CA's theory. Therefore the debugging method to trace CPU's process with stepwise execution is not adequate to debug CA simulation. The function, detecting such conflicting conditions, expedites to design CA models and describe a local rule in a program language. Visualization of the simulation's result is often the method for validation of the designed local rules in research of CA. Our system has such a function of visualizing states.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-11-14
赤嶺 有平
山田 孝治
赤嶺 有平
Masters Course in Information Engineering, Graduate School of Sci. and Eng., Univ. of the Ryukyus
遠藤 聡志
Dept. of Information Engineering, Fac. of Eng., Univ. of the Ryukyus.
山田 孝治
Dept. of Information Engineering, Fac. of Eng., Univ. of the Ryukyus.
Akamine Yuhei
Department Of Information Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of The Ryukyus
赤嶺 有平
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