518 モービルマニピュレータにおける手先把持物体の衝撃緩和について(GS-15 画像認識と制御)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A mobile manipulator is a manipulator mounted on a mobile system. A task of travelling expands a function of manipulation, but affects the motion of the end effector kinematically and dynamically. In development level, we investigate the shock absorption method for an held object in the end effector. Therefore the dynamic effetts on the tip of arm is moderated by applying antisway control on the system model. The control law is obtained by optimal control based on optimal regulator. This design parameter is estimated from human's antisway experiment. This concept aims at taking in human technical skill on the system controller. We discuss the efficiency of these approach by simulations.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-03-16
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- 523 脚と車輪を有する階段昇降可能なロボットの開発(GS-15・16 移動ロボット)
- 蒸気タービン翼根, 翼溝の接触解析技術と翼根形状最適化に関する研究