316 直接シミュレーションによる壁乱流騒音場の解析(OS-7 乱流・音)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Our objective is to make clear the key elements of sound source in wall turbulence and to realize the noise reduction. In case of low Mach number flow, we have revealed that the second time derivative of incompressible pressure fluctuation is good measure in source field, which was proposed by Ribner (1963). Then using the DNS data base of turblent channel flow, the indice of sound source is visualized in near wall region. As a result it is revealed that coherent structures of streamwise vortices and larger scale hair-pin-like vortices are responsible for turbulent noise. Furthermore acoustic field is simulated numerically by DNS code based on Hardin & Pope scheme, it is observed that coherent bubble-like structures of acoustic pressure are produced further away from the wall although the broad-band feature of frequency spectra suggests acoustic field being in disorder.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-03-16
- 1225 DNS による粗面壁の乱流構造の解析
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