1308 巻胴自走式エレベーターシステムの基礎検討(OS3 新しい交通・物流システム)
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As the universal communities are growing, demands for small-sized elevators which needs small hoistway area are increasing. An elevator system to reduce the hoistway area is proposed in this paper. This elevator system has three characteristics. The first is self-propelled system. A winding drum drive which has motor and reducion gears built-in is attached on the bottom of a car. And the car winds up itself. The second is no couterweight and no machine room. So hoistway crossectional area is reduced to less than 80% of the former elevator with couterweight. The third is easy installation. This system has simple roping and layout. And the car with winding drum drive is pre-assembled and tested at a factory. That leads to a reduction in costs and a shortening of manufacturing term. In this paper, a construction of winding drum drive, a layout of elevator system and the results of an experimental elevator are shown.
- 2001-12-04
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