10S ゴルフクラブの 3 次元運動の制御
- 論文の詳細を見る
A mathematical model was developed to describe the regulation of three dimensional motion of golf-club during swing. Equation of motion was transformed so that the angular acceleration of each regulation angle was separated to the effect of joint torque, joint linear acceleration, gravitational acceleration, and states (i.e. angular velocity of golf club). The application for actual golf-swing showed that the wrist joint torque played an important role for the initiation of angular motion in the swing plane. Then, the linear acceleration of wrist joint generated this angular acceleration in the latter phase of down swing. On the other hand, these controls played small role for the other angular motion of decline from swing plane or twist motion about longitudinal axis of golf club. For these angular motion, states played important role for generated the angular acceleration. These result suggested the difficulty of regulation for declination and twist motion in the golf swing. The tuning for three dimensional inertia property may be important for the regulation of these angular motion.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-11-08
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