219 PC クラスタシステムにおける並列分散遺伝的アルゴリズム
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In this study, the models of parallel distributed genetic algorithms are summarized and a new model of distributed genetic algorithm is proposed. The models of parallel distributed genetic algorithms are classified into three categories; those are a master slave model, a distributed GA model, and a cellular GA model. The models of master slave and distributed GA are suited for PC cluster systems. The characteristics of these models are compared and discussed thorough the numerical examples. From this comparison and discussion, a distributed GA model has higher searching ability and it is much suitable for PC cluster systems. We also proposed a new model of distributed GA; that is called "Dual Individual Genetic Algorithm : DuDGA". In this model, there are only two individuals. Because it is needles to set some parameters of distributed GAs in this model, this model is very useful for users. More than that, DuDGAs have high searching ability. This characteristics are also discussed through the numerical examples.
- 2000-10-03
論文 | ランダム
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