430 ひずみを与えた Al-17mass%Si 合金の半溶融温度における組織変化
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Stirring process is widely adopted in thixo-casting, however, grain growth is observed during stirring. Therefore, heating of strained specimen at semi-solid temperature was carried out to obtain semi-solid slurry. In this method, it is expected to gain the fine and granular structure by the separation of recrystallization grain, when it is heated to semi-solid state. Al-17mass%Si alloy was used. Specimens were hot rolled or cold rolled. In hot-rolled, α -phase was observed, however, fine primary Si were not observed. In the cold-rolled specimen, it was possible to only primary Si was refining. By combining hot and cold rolling, α-phase was granulated, and then primary Si became fine.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-10-17
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