WS-10 溶接シミュレーションソフトの開発
- 論文の詳細を見る
One of the important problems in the welding engineering is to construct a mathematical model for the computer simulation of the welding process in a manufacturing environment. In the first part of the present work, a simple mathematical model for MAG (Metal Active Gas) arc welding, based on the heat flow equation and the molten pool balance equation, has been introduced to make clear the influence of various process parameters on the weld bead formation. And it is made clear that the model is capable of predicting the MAG arc welding process, including multi-pass welding. In the second part, a simulation-software for the virtual welding system, based on the MAG welding process model, has been proposed. In the software, the process model has been linked to a metallurgical and mechanical model, developed in the project, to simulate the MAG arc welding comprehensively. According to the software, the weld-geometry and the weld-deformation including the temperature history in the work-piece for the inputted process parameters are easily estimated, and the dynamic behavior of molten pool and weld-deformation are reproduced visually by using an animation technique.
- 2003-10-17
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