239 加圧二段ガス化システム (EUP)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ebara Corporation and UBE INDUSTRIES, LTD. have jointly developed a pressurized tow-stage Gasification system, named EUP, for the chemical recycling of plastic wastes. This system, whose main components are a low-temperature fluidized-bed gasifier and a high-temperature, swirling-type slagging gasifier, degrades plastic wastes into hydrogen and CO, which are in turn recovered and to make ammonia at an adjacent chemical plant. The treatment capacity of this system, 30t/day in the beginning, is increased to 65t/day in this fall, thus enabling an annual treatment of 20-thousand tons. the following outlines this system and its operation.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-07-09
千葉 信一郎
今泉 隆司
佐藤 隆夫
福岡 大作
奥 秀一
杉山 秀子
佐藤 隆夫
今泉 隆司
(株) 荏原製作所 環境・エネルギー開発室
福岡 大作
- 239 加圧二段ガス化システム (EUP)
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