544 バックラッシを有する二輪車用エンジンベンチの制御(交通機器・輸送用機器の制御)(OS.08 : 先端的・萌芽的制御技術とその応用)
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This paper describes a control method of a low-inertia dynamo connected to a motorcycle's engine with gear backlash through a hydraulic damper and a steel shaft for a engine test bed. The low-inertia dynamo needs to precisely generate the torque according to the vehicle model simulation. The hydraulic damper used to absorb the impulsive torque from the engine has nonliner property of variation of its torsional rigidity. So we apply μ-Synthesis by using of structured singular value with evaluation of relative angular velocity between the engine and the hydraulic damper, to suppress the vibration due to gear backlash. By simulations and experiments it is verified that the designed μ controller is effective.
- 2001-08-03
論文 | ランダム
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