A202 プラント運転員による状態認識過程のモデル化
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It is necessary to automate Machine systems because they have become larger and more complicated these years. Generally speaking, humans hardly grasp the overall state in the automated systems. In fact it is reported that the accident caused by this problem occurs. To avoid such accidents, there were many studies to give human the authority of final decision making. In general it depends on circumstances whether the authority of decision making is given humans or machine systems. It is supposed therefore that humans and machine systems exchange their information each other and efficiently share their tasks. It is necessary that machine systems infer human intention in these systems. There were not enough considerations on state recognition process which is important to infer human intention. In this paper we first reconstructed human knowledge into a hierarchy and incorporated these knowledge into a Bayesian network. Next we modeled the state recognition process by using the Bayesian network.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-10-30
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