B206 原子力発電所の廃止措置・長寿命化の計画決定手法に関する研究
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This paper deals with decision-making methodology for decommissioning/life extension of nuclear power plant in the total plant life management (PLM). Two computer systems for economical evaluation of PLM and for planning and management of reactor decommissioning have been developed so far by the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, respectively, and the related studies on plant life extension and decommission are on going in both organizations independently. The two computer systems were then effectively combined to evaluate the PLM data elements such as power generation costs, worker dose, waste arisings for decision-making on plant life scenarios of decommission/life extension. The preliminary study on PLM indicated that the 20 years life extension would effective for lowering levelized power generation costs in whole life, and that decommissioning costs were affected by the life extension procedures if the disposal costs of replaced components were included in it. The optimum plant life scenario will be decided based on the evaluation of PLM data including other elements such as social effects. The computer systems will be customized for future study on plant life optimization.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-10-30
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