- 論文の詳細を見る
The present writer has measured the change of initial stresses in a cold drawn mild steel shaft (0.25% C) under various temperatures & durations of heating, and also aging, by Heyn's method using Zeiss'optimeter (Fig. 3 & 4) ; and obtained the following results. (1) The initial stresses have gradually released by heating up to about 300℃, markedly over 300℃, and completely at about 620℃ (Fig. 11). (2) At each temperature of heating, the release of initial stresses is remarkable during the first 30 min. of heating, and assymptotic beyond this point. At 300〜600℃, especially about 400℃, however, it is progressing even in 8 hr. of heating (Fig. 9.). (3) The release by aging are remarkable during about 20 days after cold working and assymptotic beyond this point (Fig. 9.) (4) Even a 4 years old test piece had have marked initial stresses and the distribution of initial stresses had been some what changed (Fig. 10.). >From these result the followings are considered. (a) The release of initial stresses by heating under 300℃, and over 300℃, is due to the vigorous vibration of atoms, and recrystallization of strained crystals, respectively. (b) The homogeneously distributed internal stresses, as the internal stresses, as the internal stresses produced by pure tension, etc., can not be measured by any direct methods, but the effects of heating temperatures upon these kinds of internal stresses are to be considered just the same to these results. (c) Compared these results with those of the changes of bardness, tensile properties, numbers of bending, specific gravity, magnetic properties, electric resistance, and stretching ratio of the ferrite grains of cold worked mild steel & of casting stress of cast iron by heating (Fig. 11 & 12), which are obtained by various investigaters. In addition to the above mentioned experiments, the writer measured the distribution of internal stresses of a mild steel, air coold from 650℃ after normalizing.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1928-08-20
- 【165】軟鋼の疲勞耐久性(2.工業材料)
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- 【49】燒入に關する實地的研究(工業材料)
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- 【144】鉄材捩り試驗に於ける降伏点以上の進程に就いて(工業材料)
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