感作血球凝集反応の簡易化とその応用に関する基礎的研究 : 第2報 BDB 感作血球凝集反応についての検討
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The authors studied of the optimal condition of the BDB-treated formalinized red cell harmaggluti-nation technique and the following results were obtained: 1) The optimal sensitizing concentration and pH of antigen are different following to the kinds of antigens, but the optimal incubation time was usually 15-30 minutes at 37℃. 2) The formalinized red cell treated with BDB is very stable and the frozen and dried cells were demonstrated to be stored for a long time. 3) BDB-treated cells was superior to the tanned cells as the sensitizing cells in some cases. 4) The optimal pH was usually alkaline in BDB-treated cells than in the tanned cells and the optimal sensitizing concentration of antigen was rather higher in the former.
- 1966-03-30
- 感作血球凝集反応の簡易化とその応用に関する基礎的研究 : 第2報 BDB 感作血球凝集反応についての検討
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