免疫性肝細胞障害に関する研究 : 第1編. 抗肝抗体の肝細胞膜面への結合.
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In order to study cytotoxic effects of anti-liver antibody, an experiment was performed in vitro to detect fixation of the anti-liver-antibody to the liver cell membrane using antiserum obtained from the rabbit immunized with rat liver supernatant, with the following conclusions: 1. Tanned sheep red cells coated with liver antigen were added to the separated rat liver cells which had been incubated at 37°C for 24 hours and then previously sensitized by the antiserum. The red cells were observed to fix on the liver cell membrane. 2. Polystyren latex particles coated with the rat liver antigen were added to the separated rat liver cells after sensitization by the antiserum. The latex particles were fixed on the liver cell mombrane. From the experiment, it was proved that the antiliver-antibody fixes on the liver cell membrane. 3. An experimental method for detecting immunologically competent cells was deviced to study thier cytotoxic effect upon liver cells. Polystyrene latex particles coated with human liver antigen were mixed with the lymphoid cells obtained from the popliteal lymphnodes of the rat immunized with the antigen, and lymphocyte in the peripheral blood of the patient with chronic hapatic disease. The latex particles were observed to adhere to some of the lymphoid cells.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-12-30
- 131. 肝細胞障害にかんする免疫学的検討(組織抗原とその周辺)
- 19)肝細胞におよぼす抗肝抗体の影響
- 21.肝疾患における補体および肝細胞結合抗体に関する検討(第6回補体シンポジウム)
- 131.肝細胞障害にかんする免疫学的検討(組織抗原とその周辺)
- 免疫性肝細胞障害に関する研究 : 第2編. 肝細胞障害におよぼす抗肝抗体の影響について.
- 免疫性肝細胞障害に関する研究 : 第1編. 抗肝抗体の肝細胞膜面への結合.
- 免疫性肝細胞障害に関する研究-1,2-
- 免疫性肝細胞障害に関する研究-1,2-
- II-9 肝疾患時の補体に関する研究(第4回補体シンポジウム II臨床的研究)