Ectromelia Virus 免疫マウス腹腔滲出細胞及び脾細胞の受身移入によるウイルス免疫の伝達について
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It has been known that the cellular immunity which produces the delayed type allergy, may render the resistance to some bacterial infections such as tuberculosis, salmonellosis, listeriosis, and so on. In viral infections it has also been indicated that the cellular immunity besides the humoral antibody may possibly show resistance to infection by various clinical observations. Onto the above findings, the present investigation was made by use of Ectromelia virus (Hamptead strain)(EV)-mice system in order to study whether the cellular immunity reveals the resistance to the viral infection. The Cowpox virus (LB red strain) and EV were vaccinated to mice by the method of Kato et al. (1966). The cells from the peritoneal exudates and the spleen of the vaccinated animals were injected into the normal mice intraperitoneally. Then, it was observed that the non-treated mouse was dead in between six to nine days, while it was seen that any mouse treated with vacicnated cells was scarcely dead. However, the mice that were transferred with cells from immunized peritoneal exudates and spleens which were damaged by freezing and thowing, the small amount of the anti EV immune sera, the supernatant of immune peritoneal exudate and cells from non-immunized peritoenal exudates and spleens, showed high mortality by EV challenge, respectively. It was assumed by the above results that the cellular immunity has the resistance to infectious death in EV-mice system.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1969-08-30
加藤 四郎
西岡 五郎
加藤 四郎
鶴 圭一郎
万谷 雅宣
- シチメンチョウ・ヘルペスウイルスに関する研究 : I. ウイルスの分離と培養細胞における性状
- 25)コラーゲンの抗原性について 第3報 : 人皮中性塩可溶性コラーゲンと人皮醋酸可溶性コラーゲンとの抗原性における差異.
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- 10.コラーゲン血清の影響について(第4報) : 培養線維芽細胞に対する抗コラーゲン血清の影響について(抗原II)
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- 4)感染と免疫不全(I 皮膚科感染領域における感染アレルギーの問題点)
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- Ectromelia Virus 免疫マウス腹腔滲出細胞及び脾細胞の受身移入によるウイルス免疫の伝達について
- 1)ウイルス感染アレルギー(I 皮膚科感染領域における感染アレルギーの問題点)
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- 126)各種皮膚疾患患者血清における抗人皮コラーゲン抗体価レベルについて
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- 1.コラーゲンの抗原性について 第1報 : ラット尾腱可溶性 コラーゲン及び人皮可溶性コラーゲン(A. 抗原性に関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
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