喘息患者に於ける皮膚反応, 眼反応, 並びに誘発試験の臨床的価値とその相関性
- 論文の詳細を見る
The skin test (scratch and intracutaneous), the eye test and the provocative test by inhalation of antigens were studied and the results were compared in 72 incidences in 31 extrinsic asthmatic patients at National Jewish Hospital (Denver, Colorado). As far as the objective tests were concerned, the provocative test with inhalation of antigens seemed to be the most accurate and logical approach to detect the causal agents of bronchial asthma. The relationship between the inhalation test and the eye test (γ=-0.64) was fairly close but there was a significant number of incidences (11 totally) in which the inhalation tests were positive but the eye tests were negative, giving the conclusion that, in the cases of bronchial asthma, one can not entirely upon the outcome of the eye test for the detection of causal agents, even though the eye tests were much more reliable than skin tests. Delayed reaction by the inhalation of causal agents was observed in 4 incidences among 35 positive result. The provocative test can be used to determine the progress of effective hyposensitization and to predict the prognosis of the patient.
- 一般社団法人日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1960-12-01
- 気管支喘息長期寛解例における気道過敏性と血清IgE値の検討
- 薬物過敏症の出現頻度 : 都内健康保険組合員5822人の調査成績
- 米国に於ける蜂アレルギーについて
- 喘息患者に於ける皮膚反応, 眼反応, 並びに誘発試験の臨床的価値とその相関性