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This paper deals with an experimental study on the disintegrating processes of a high speed liquid jet injected into the various ambient pressures from a cylindrical nozzle. The effects of the diameter and the shape of the nozzle on the breakup length were investigated by an electrical resistance method. The close dependence between the internal flow in the nozzle and the disintegrating process of the jet were observed using a photographic method. The disintegrating process was divided into six kinds of form. When the disturbance of the liquid flow in the nozzle was very small, the spray flow could not be formed even if the injection velocity was very high at the reduced ambient pressure condition. If both the strong disturbance and the strong interfacical force were given to the liquid jet, the jet could be broke up to the spray flow.
- 1988-08-25
論文 | ランダム
- 「小中学校の廃校続々」「地域のスラム化」「地価大変動」… 教育バウチャー制度 大混乱シミュレーション (ワイド特集 いじめ・自殺・虐待が止まらない!--ゴッタ煮「教育再生会議」が大迷走)
- 細菌の学名と命名規約
- 『乳児保育II』の教授内容に関する一考察 : 学生によるアンケート調査より(短期大学部保育科)
- 福沢諭吉の議会論--民会論から国会論へ
- 充当に関する最高裁の軌道修正[平成21.3.3] (サラ金・商工ローン) -- (最高裁判決論評)