- 論文の詳細を見る
The spectral emission of the pulverized coal mixed MHD combustion gas was measured systematically in the wavelength region of 0.38〜2.7μm. The thirty spectral lines observed consist of twenty lines of potassium atom and ten lines of other atoms or molecules. The spectral intensity of potassium 4P-4S transition is calculated using Lorentzian absorption coefficient and the optical cross sections measured in the far wings of the lines in good agreement with the measured intensity. The population temperature of potassium electronic state given by the emission intensities at small optical thickness agrees well with the gas temperature measured by the wing reversal method. The ten other spectral lines consist of the atomic spectra of lithium, sodium, rubidium and calcium and the molecular spectra of calcium compounds. These elements are contained in the seed or the coal ash. No clear continuous spectrum by coal ash particles was observed.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1984-03-28
加藤 健
Fuel Cell Group Energy Electronics Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
高野 清南
加藤 健
恩田 和夫
恩田 和夫
高野 清南
Fuel Cell Group Energy Electronics Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
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