二重反転形軸流ポンプに関する実験的基礎研究 : 流体工学,流体機械
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Demands for higher performance of axial flow pumps have led pump designers to consider the creative strategies for the new type. As a solution, contra-rotating rotors might be applied to a pump. Comparative experiments were conducted for two types, consisting of contra-rotating rotors and a rotor and a stator respectively, which were designed under the same specifications of pump head, flow rate and rotor specific speed. The measured pump performances and flow distributions are shown and the advantages of using contra-rotating type are clarlfied as follows. Contra-rotating type is superior in pump efficiency and cavitation performance in range of partial flow rates to conventional one though the specified pump head and maximum efficiency were not satisfied at design point in the case of contra-rotating test rotors. Results demonstrate that the rear rotor design is important to improve the pump efficiency.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-05-25
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