早期直接噴射式圧縮着火機関における着火と燃焼のモデリング : 熱工学, 内燃機関, 動力など
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An ignition and combustion model has been developed to predict the heat release rate in direct injection compression ignition engines employing very ealy injection timing. The model describes the formation of ignitable or combustible fuel-air mixture by turbulent mixing, and includes five chemical reactions, including low-temperature oxidation. The KIVA II computer code was modified with the present ignition and combustion model. The numerical results obtained by the modified code indicate that the model developed in this work reproduces major features of two-stage autoignition, as well as experimentally observed trends in NO_x and unburned fuel emissions. The computational results showed that NO_x emissions are significantly influenced by fuel injection timing. The results also indicated that fuel droplets which enter the squish region possibly become unburned fuel emissions. The relationships among the in-cylinder fuel spray distributions, fuel-air equivalence ratio, temperature, and mass fractions of NO and unburned fuel can be demonstrated by the graphical results included in this work.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-01-25
青柳 友三
林 光一
青柳 友三
原田 明
宮本 武司
島崎 直基
林 光一
青山学院大学 理工学部 機械創造工学
林 光一
林 光一
宮本 武司
浅海 靖男
島崎 直基
浅海 靖男
鶴島 理史
佐々木 覚
林 光一
島崎 直基
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