濃度はん点列に起因する予混合火炎挙動の変化 : 第2報, 凸と凹の変形を受けた火炎の比較
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A numerical analysis of the time dependent behavior of a propagating premixed flame caused by concentration spots placed in a row in front of the flame was made. The special attension was focused on the effect of the sign of the curvature of the initial flame deformation induced by the spots on the subsequent flame behavior. When the spot accelerates the local burning velocity, the initial flame deformation is convex to the unburned gas, whereas the deceleration of the local burning velocity produces the deformation concave to the unburned mixture. When the separation distance between the spots is large enough, the concave deformation produces the number of wrinkling that is twice as large as that of the convex deformation. The subsequent development of the deformation is found to depend on this initial deformation. However, when the separation distance is small, the number of the produced wrinkling becomes the same for concave and convex deformations.
- 1998-03-25
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