二相溶液循環型浸透ヒートパイプの熱輸送に関する研究 : 第1報, 基礎的研究
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In the prior paper, a loop-type osmotic heat pipe was investigated on the heat transport rate from the upper position to the lower. The heat transport rate of this osmotic heat pipe, however, was very small because of small driving force for the solution circulation. Therefore, the osmotic heat pipe with the higher driving force is devised. The larger driving force is produced by a two-phase flow taking place in the solution riser. For the sake of that, a vopor-liquid separator is installed at the top of the apparatus and a heated section is attached as some distance below the separator, so that buoyant force caused by density difference between the fluids in the solution riser and downcomer increases. This osmotic heat pipe with the two-phase solution circulation loop indicates the higher heat transport rate than that of the osmotic heat pipe shown in the prior paper.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1999-12-25
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