自動車用ヒータユニットにおける気流速度の画像計測と数値計算 (<小特集>画像処理応用熱流体計測)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Air flows in a heater unit for automobiles are studied by flow visualization with tracer injection technique and the visualized images are analyzed by cross correlation method to obtain the velocity distributions in the unit at various mixdoor angles. The results indicate the variations of flow pattern in the heater unit with the mixdoor angles and the appearance of strong interaction between separated main flow and circulating heater flow at relatively large mixdoor angles, which promotes the flow mixing and simultaneously increases the pressure loss inside the unit. The flow fields in the heater unit are calculated numerically based on three dimensional momentum equations combined with κ-ε model of turbulence and with an experimental flow model of heater core. The numerical results reproduce well the experimental flow patterns in the heater unit, but there exits some deviations in the mean velocity and surface pressure distributions at large mixdoor angles.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1999-01-25
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